Sunday, November 9, 2008

My thoughts

Citizen journalism, also known as participatory journalism, is the process of citizens actively participating in the collection of news and events. It has grown immensely in the past few years and enables the average citizen to voice their own opinion about absolutely anything.
The creation of blog sites, and also social networking sites such as MSN Instant Messenger, Facebook, You Tube, MySpace and Skype have created a platform for citizen journalism and allowed it to be so much easier for citizens to participate.
My understanding of citizen journalism is that you can contribute information on anything you like from what type of food you feed your pet to information on a possible assassination. It also creates the opportunity to fact-check a newspaper article from the mainstream media and point out factual errors or bias on your blog.
New media is also being explored through mobile phones, which have the ability to send photos and send news for a low cost and fast speed.
This is also so important to human rights and freedom of speech which is essential to any country. Citizen journalism provides opportunities to voice the injustices in the world that we would usually not otherwise know about.

1 comment:

spartanlegend said...

Citizen journalism is certainly an exciting field for the libertarians in all of us. Though concerns about its accuracy and bias are legitimate, I'm not convinced the mainstream media is much better.